A documentary of the Project Caretoy of the BioRobotics Institute, Work Out to Catch Up was produced and is broadcasted by the Euronews channel.
In case you have access to our terrestrial/satellite network, you can watch it HD on your TV.
Below is the Euronews TV channel broadcasting schedule until February 09, 2014:
Monday 3 Feb |
18:45 |
Tuesday |
13:15 |
18:15 |
01:45 |
Wednesday |
10:15 |
16:45 |
02:45 |
Thursday |
14:15 |
17:15 |
01:45 |
Friday |
11:45 |
16:45 |
Saturday |
06:45 |
12:15 |
17:45 |
22:15 |
Sunday 9 Feb |
10:45 |
14:15 |
20:45 |
Please, note that all times are CET, and that scheduled broadcasting can change or even be delayed in case of LIVE events.
In case you missed live, full video can be watched HERE
The report will also be avalaible from February 4th, 2014 onwards on the Euronews website. It will also be available on Youtube, Facebook and Twitter, as well as in many other smaller regional streaming and social media websites.
We also invite you to visit the Euronews Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/#!/euronewsknowledge, where you will be able to watch this episode and many others.
this video is copyrighted by the European Commission 2014 / euronews 2014
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